
Mostly, I spend a lot of time writing and zero time sharing. Particularly, when I write in a way that scratches my artistic and creative itch (which is, for me, the most important writing I do).

I've created Somewhere Under The Inkwell to serve as my gallery. I don't write to earn a living, though I've often thought it might be neat. I write to be read; to encourage, inspire, and collaborate. Hard to do if you hoard your writing like Smaug hoards the treasure of Erebor.

I also write to stay sane. What I mean is, often my insanity ends up on the page. A better place, I suppose, than trapped within me. So this isn't a gallery of finished, perfected pieces of artwork. Rather, its a gallery of my writing process. Here I'll share shitty first drafts (thank you Anne Lamott for clarifying the necessity and beauty of such things), snippets from the thing I'm calling a "novel," dabbles in the poetic, random jottings from my field journal, and short stories I'm writing to distract me from my "novel."

Hope this helps clarify some confusion about what you've tripped over here.

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